Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer

By Trace Nichols

Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP), or more commonly known as fiberglass rebar, is quickly becoming an extremely popular alternative to your typical corrosive vulnerable metal rebar.

What is fiberglass rebar? To be concise, this product is continuous glass fibers that are set with polymeric resins and other additives to create a super strong and durable rebar. By doing this, you create a material that is rust and corrosion-resistant, electromagnetic neutral, lighter weight, with a very high tensile strength.

There are a variety of reasons to switch over to fiberglass rebar, here are a few of them.

1. Less Corrosive. Traditional black steel rebar is extremely susceptible to rust and corrosion. Over time, this will lead to rehabilitation needs down the road, in as little as 5 years, but definitely before 20. GFRP is virtually corrosion resistant and in the end, will increase the life of the structure it is supporting. Conservative estimations say these structures can last up to 100 years (or longer!) which leads me to my next reason...

Fiber Glass rebar comparison(Black metal rebar vs GFRP (green bars))

2. No rust! This is huge! Metal rust one of the most common reasons for concrete cracking. Once the rust forms, it spreads and compromises the stability of the concrete, accelerating the rate at which it will separate. Without rust - the cement has a much, much better chance of lasting. Without rust, the cement will last longer which means….

Rebar Rust

3. Cheaper in the long run! Initial material cost aside, the fiberglass rebar is going to be much cheaper down the road. By minimizing labor costs in installation (much easier to work with, trim, customize), eliminating rust and early cement cracking, transportation costs, and long term maintenance costs - you are truly saving yourself time and money by switching to a new, fresh alternative from the ancient metal-based rebar solutions of past.

a. Eliminate repair problems
b. Reduce concrete over and protection measures meant to save black rebar
c. Help your structures last 4 or 5 times longer
d. Help reduce labor costs

In the end, we believe fiberglass rebar could be an excellent solution for your business. Contact us today to learn more!