By Deb Amorde
Pig Mat! What?
Ever since I became aware of New Pig and the products they make, I’ve been obsessed with how cool they are. I’m gonna tell you a little about the company and its products, but let me just say, if you’re still fussing with messy alternatives to clean up leaks, drips, and spills, there's a better way. The New Pig way!
In 1985, New Pig soon-to-be founders were cleaning oil and grime from filthy factory floors by shoveling up cat litter spread around leaky machines. As with all creative products, necessity became the mother of invention and a better way was born - a pantyhose stuffed with a corn cob. This “sock” worked like magic in soaking up leaking oil and was much easier to clean. That original PIG Sock launched 33 years of rubber-meets-the-road solutions earning New Pig thirty-four Plant Engineering Product of the Year awards – more than any other company.
While New Pig makes literally hundreds of amazing products, I’m going to share with you the one that first grabbed my attention – the absorbent mat. The PIG Universal Mat specifically
What does a Universal Mat do? It absorbs pretty much anything — grease, lubricant, antifreeze, hydraulic fluid — you name it. It’s built to clean up any oil, coolant, solvent or water that leaks, drips or spills in your workplace. Use it under machines, for maintenance and repairs, to soak up overspray, line workbenches, etc. These mats are tear resistant, won’t drip or leak during clean up and stand up to heavy foot traffic. They are lightweight, convenient, and best of all, effective. Mats are available in a variety of sizes and strengths in either pads or rolls.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this video must be worth a million. Check it out and see why I’m so obsessed. And when you’re done, take time to review all New Pig products and be sure you’re prepared for your messy day. You’ll be glad you did.